No. Of Users | No. of Devices | Monthly Charges in INR |
50 | 2 | Rs. 2,000 /- |
100 | 5 | Rs. 3,000 /- |
500 | 10 | Rs. 6,000 /- |
1,000 | 25 | Rs. 15,000 /- |
2,000 | 30 | Rs. 18,000 /- |
3,000 | 35 | Rs. 21,000 /- |
4,000 | 40 | Rs. 24,000 /- |
5,000 | 50 | Rs. 30,000 /- |
7,500 | 100 | Rs. 60,000 /- |
10,000 | 150 | Rs. 90,000 /- |
15,000 | 200 | Rs. 120,000 /- |
As operators of this site, We attempt to make daily backups of customer data to guard against data loss. However, this is not a substitute for your own backup system. We do not guarantee that it will be possible to restore information that has been deleted or damaged. For these reasons, you agree to maintain your own copy of all data stored on our servers, and you agree that we are not liable for any loss of data if you fail to maintain your own copy.
We take the protection of your data very seriously. We treat your data as confidential and will handle it in accordance with data protection legislation as well as with the terms of this statement.
Please note that there can sometimes be security issues when information is transmitted over the internet. It is therefore not possible to guarantee water-tight protection for data from access by third parties.